About Us

Our Mission

We are developing this site for the practice of problem solving. Here problem solvers's will find problem from different OJ. As a result they don't have to go for individual website to practice. Hopefully this will help them.


We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our respectable teacher whose continuous help & supervision made our project successful. We are grateful to him.

Some images, logo, quotes and contents are collected from internet. So We are thankful to the owner of those contents.

We Confess

This is not our professional work. We are learning to build web app. So, mistakes should be overlooked. If you have any suggestion regarding this for improvement, please send us your openion through our Contact Us page.

We are trying to integrate Bangladeshi Online Judge's in a virtual platform. This includes:
- DimikOJ
- LightOJ
- Toph

We are also working to add a popular online Judge:

And currently we are adding an existing virtual judge which is:
- VJudge

This will give us access to many OJ at a time. But we are working to add them individually without VJudge.

We are thankful to all of the Online Judge's as well as Vjudge we are working on.